MEBIILI - Electric/HPV Concept
Mari Autio & Mirjami Marin

Velomobile concept made for co -op project between students of University of Lapland and Oulu University of Applied Sciences.

Mebiili is designed for comfortable travel inside the city of Oulu. The electric motor and human powered hybrid helps you along the city streets and steep climbs. The cabin protects the traveler from wind and rain. Plated rims deflect snow from gathering in wrong places.
Cabin has place for one adult and one child with detachable seat in the back. Doors are positioned in the sides and the back of the vehicle. Rear door enables easy installation of detachable seat and servicing of the electric motor in the center.
My Sketches
Mebiili - 2013


Mebiili - 2013

Velomobile concept
